Be Objective

People normally become emotional and subjective when things are not going well. It is indeed difficult to be rationale and objective when there is trouble all around. But the truth is emotions make matters worse. They complicate the situation and make the problems difficult to solve. Therefore, it is very important that we keep our mind calm and learn to think objectively in the midst of difficulties.

With objective thinking we can vastly improve our chances of overcoming our difficulties. Objectivity means detachment and freedom from emotional and prejudiced thinking. Objectivity adds clarity to our thoughts and improves the quality of our decisions. With objective thinking comes realistic awareness of our situations and problems, which in turn help us deal with situations more effectively.

With objectivity a person will become aware of his own shortcomings and weaknesses. It will help him avoid committing the same mistakes or repeating his erroneous thinking. He will also develop better network of relationships because he is not excluding people from his life based on his prejudiced notions. 


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