Ways To Cope With Adversities
Adversity is any unfavourable situation that is not conductive to realisation of ones goals. It is a situation that is seemingly out of our control, defy known solutions and seem to threaten our existence or survival, at least temporarily, leading to moments of anxiety, frustration, feelings of guilt, helplessness and sense of inadequacy. Following are some of the more specific situations. The details in each individual situations may however vary: 1. Loss of job or gainful employment. 2. Business failure. 3. Loss of income. 4. Separation from near and dear. 5. Prolonged illness. 6. Repeated rejections and failures. 7. Reduced income or excessive debts. 8. Relationship problems and conflicts. 9. Unfavourable circumstances or environment. 10. Conflict with Law or institutions. The coping strategies we usually evolve to deal with difficult situations are products of our individual awareness, past experiences, belief systems and the environment in which we live. In some socie...