Something Good is Just About to Happen

My mom always said that something good is just about to happen. I didn't realise this early on, but I've lived my life with the thought that no matter how dark or how difficult things become, there's this consistent hope that it's just about to turn. My mom gave me the gift of that. It keeps me positive and keep me always looking towards things in an optimistic manner. I've been very fortunate to live my life with that thought.

Because of the duality on earth, there are always going to be both positive and negative experiences. But if you consistently look for the good and maintain a positive attitude despite outside circumstances, you will triumph. And there are no better words to remember to help you maintain a positive attitude than mom's words :" Something good is about to happen!" If you always know that something good is about to happen, your optimism will never waiver for long.

People who are happy and successful think more about the good things that can happen, think more about having happiness, having money, and creating a rich and meaningful life, than they do the opposite of those things.

A pessimistic attitude towards life means a miserable life. At some point in your life you've no doubt encountered someone who is pessimistic about everything, and when you are with him or her it sucks the energy and the joy out of you. Well, that's precisely what a pessimistic attitude does to you.

On the other hand, I'm sure you've known someone who is always up and has a cheerful and bright attitude towards life, and when you are with him or her you feel fantastic and full of life. And that's what an optimistic attitude does to you.

Show me one pessimistic person who is deliriously happy in every part of their life. It's not possible, because even if they had everything they wanted, the glass would still look half empty to them!

Just ask yourself whether you think blaming and complaining can transform a person's life into success and happiness. Do you think whining and criticising can fulfil a person's dreams and give them everlasting happiness?

Blame, resentment, whining, and complaining are excuses we make when we're not living the life we came here to live. Because we see people around us who blame and resent and whine and complain, we can get the mistaken impression that it's okay and won't harm us. But all of those negative emotions will pull you down and down and disempower you until you feel hopeless. None of those emotions can ever fill you with the happiness you want and deserve. None of those emotions will lead you to your dream.

A positive and optimistic attitude doesn't mean you don't have occasional down days. You will have some down days. It's not about occasional down days, it's about how many precious days of your life you're enjoying because of your positive and optimistic attitude.


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