What you don't use, you lose.

I have seen people, who were extraordinary public speakers, struggle to stamp the same mark on the dais a few years later, for they've lost touch with public speaking. I have seen well-educated women, who after having become homemakers confined themselves to the four walls, struggle with their fluency in communication. I have seen outstanding singers unable to achieve the level of performance they are capable of, for they have stopped practicing.

Why is that I am not able to exert my left hand as much as my right hand ? Simple, I have put my right hand to greater use than my left hand. You develop the muscles you use and lose the ones you don't use. Most cardiac problems are the result and effect of the heart not being made to work to its maximum capacity. The human body is designed to wear out over a lifetime, but we shrink this lifetime by allowing the body to rust.

If you don't use, you lose it.

Unused money devalues. Unused talent diminishes. Unused potential decays. Unused machinery gets rusted. Unused time dies. Unused knowledge becomes a burden. What isn't used is abused.

The tragedy of life isn't the ultimate death, but the resources that die within you when you are still alive. Let us not die while we are still breathing.

Use it or you will lose it.


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