You Stay Attached To The Wrong Person

You stay attached to the wrong person when you wait for them to change.
They won't change for you, they can only change for themselves.

You stay attached to the wrong person when you limit yourself to one place.
The world is huge, but often, we limit ourselves to the city we live in or our circle of friends and thats how we end up exaggerating our feelings towards someone.

You stay attached to the wrong person when you try to convince yourself that they're right for you.

You stay attached to the wrong person when you keep following their updates and their news, when you keep looking at their pictures and seeing how much fun they're having without you.

You stay attached to the wrong person when they change everything you knew about love and you still accept it. 


  1. Love is not easy so as attachment no matter howuch u try u can't balance things in life...but with time or maybe after losing the person we will realize and mend our ways


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